IVy Automation, LLC
Your Instrumentation/Automation Resource.

IVy Automation LLC, is physically located in the State of Washington
Mail: P.O. Box 1893, Ferndale, WA, 98248
T: (206) 395 FLOW (3569) or E/M:  info@ivyautomation.com


Welcome to IVy Automation!

Welcome to IVy Automation.  IVy Automation provides instrumentation and automation solutions & support in the NAFTA Free Trade Zone.  This site is focused on providing Instrumentation products and Automation Solutions.
IVy is an acronym.  'I' stands for Intelligent or Inherent or Instrumentation.  'V' is for the Value that will naturally result when you link ('y' is an Esperanto conjunctive) Instrumentation & Automation solutions to your manufacturing or processing facilities.
This WEB site has been designed to enable easy and efficient access to the products you want and the technical details that may help you better understand their application.  Our prime focus is Alia products and the NEW IVy TDS-100 Potable Water Ultrasonic Flow Meter.  IVy Automation has the expertise & experience to deliver successful results.
You know what they say..."If you don't measure it , you can't manage or control it!"

We invite you to give us a call to show you how we can help you make your process better!
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