IVy Automation, LLC
Your Instrumentation/Automation Resource.
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IVy Automation LLC, is physically located in the State of Washington
Mail: P.O. Box 1893, Ferndale, WA, 98248
T: (206) 395 FLOW (3569) or E/M:  info@ivyautomation.com

Thirty years of experience in the Automation field gives us the confidence to state that IVy has the ability to resolve nearly any process challenge found in small processing plants.  Our specialty is in measurement and SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) solutions for pilot plants,  tank farms and any other specialty applications that others may not be equipped or willing to handle.   We can provide a solution on time and on budget.   Our partnerships with PLC manufacturers Array Electronics of Nanjing, P.R.C., and OPC software supplier, KEP of New Jersey, only strengthens our knowledge and experience base available to help you resolve automation issues.  Our commitment does not stop with the delivery of the solution and payment of our invoice. IVy backs up all our solutions with 24/7 support and service.